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All Of Glenn Beck's Dark Prophetic Visions Are Now Beginning To Come True

As we have noted several times in the past, Glenn Beck has a tendency to wildly vacillate between proclamations of impending doom(link is external) that are followed, a short time later, by triumphant declarations that everything(link is external) is going to turn out just fine.

Back and forth he constantly sways, one week warnings that utter destruction is inevitable and then, a few weeks later, joyously promising that huge miracles(link is external) are in the works.

Lately, Beck has been on an upswing, predicting that success beyond his imagination(link is external) was just over the horizon because all of his prayers were starting to be answered(link is external). But now it seems that the showdown between the federal government and anti-government activists over the last week in Nevada has soured Beck once again and so he has now returned to warning that dark, dark days are ahead for this nation.

Referencing the standoff in Nevada, Beck reiterated his position(link is external) on his radio show today(link is external) that anyone who is advocating the use of violence cannot and must not consider themselves to be a fan of his whatsoever, repeatedly asserting that God does not support threats or calls to violence.  As such, Beck beseeched his audience to humble themselves and turn to God as the solution to all of our problems; but even then, he warned, something has already been set in motion that is going to tear this nation apart.

Revealing that he has been experiencing deeply disturbing "personal promptings" for several years that have been so frightening that he has been reluctant to even discuss them, Beck said that, on Saturday, he realized that they were finally beginning to occur.

"I do believe we are entering dangerous times," he warned(link is external). "They are the times that have been foretold, they are the times that I have, on a different scale, seen coming as well. I believe what has been set in motion now is new and different and will tear us apart":