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Ann Coulter: 'Get Used To Your Little Girls Being Raped' Due To Immigration

On Friday, Ann Coulter stopped by “The Eric Metaxas Show(link is external)” to promote her new anti-immigrant book, “Adios, America! The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole(link is external).” Coulter blamed Mitt Romney’s 2012 election defeat on immigration, lamenting that there aren’t enough white voters in the U.S. and urging the former governor to make a third presidential bid to save America.

If the country doesn’t crack down on immigration, Coulter warned, the U.S. is going to transform into Uganda and will face gender segregation and mass sexual violence against women and children.

“Reagan got, I think it was 54 percent of the white vote, Romney got 59 percent of the white vote; the country in 1980 was about 90 percent white, now it’s about 62 percent white though still only 72 who can vote,” Coulter said. “If something drastic isn’t done right away, it is going to be George McGovern’s America, it is going to be La Raza’s America, it is going to be Uganda, basically. And get used to having segregated buses and subways, as they have in India and Mexico, because of the way women are treated and sexually abused there; get used to your little girls being raped and being pregnant; get used to not being able to go to your national parks because they are being burnt down, pot farms are being grown there, pesticides dumped all over.”

Coulter insisted that she was not using hyperbole, predicting that “if this book doesn’t work and change our immigration policy, that’s it, time to build the bunker and hire the cheap maids.”