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Ann Coulter: Liberals Are 'Going Gay' So They Need Immigrants To Outbreed 'Christian America'

Ann Coulter spoke to The Blaze, Glenn Beck’s network, last week(link is external) about the “demographic war” between conservatives and liberals, who she says need the support of immigrants to take power since they are “aborting and going gay.”

“All of these left-wing loons who used to be fighting with revolutionaries in the jungles of Peru, now they’re here at home trying to bring the jungles here,” Coulter said. “And they work for these left-wing, anti-American, pro-Third-World immigration groups, and then they become immigration judges.”

Coulter added that the government should deal with undocumented immigrants by “rounding them up”: “When I look at the costs of court translators alone, rounding them up is a bargain. And when you realize that there are not 11 million illegal aliens here, as we have been insistently and angrily told for at least a decade now, there are at least, at a bare minimum, 30 million illegal aliens here.”

She expressed hope that “Christian America” will have more children to stop liberals from taking over the country with the votes of immigrants.

“Christian America, religious America I should say — the same thing is true of Orthodox Jews and conservative Jews, although that is a very small percentage of the population — religious America is reproducing well above replacement rate, it’s liberals who are aborting and going gay and anyone with a flair for color, so I think we will have a leg-up in the demographic war,” Coulter said. “That’s what the left was facing, that they weren’t reproducing enough so they had to bring in the ringers from the Third World to vote for them.”