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Anti-Abortion Activist: Having Multiple Sex Partners 'Is Almost Like Rape'

The guest on today's edition(link is external) of the "WallBuilders Live" radio program was Carol Everett, who reportedly spent several years "selling abortions to other women(link is external)" before renouncing legal abortion and opening an anti-abortion crisis pregnancy center in Texas.

Unsurprisingly, Everett did not have anything good to say about Planned Parenthood, especially since the organization supposedly promotes all sorts of "perverted things" like encouraging young men and women to have sex with multiple partners, which is "almost like rape."

"You and I know anytime you break down God's principles, you're going to get in trouble," Everett said, "but this is horrible. What they do to young women is lie to them about what this birth control pill will do, encourage them to have sex with multiple partners and, you know, they've also gotten into much more perverted things now."

"Everything they're doing is destructive," she said, which prompted host Rick Green to go off on a tangent about how Planned Parenthood now allegedly also promotes thing like polyamory and open relationships, which is destroying not only people's hearts and minds but entire communities.

"It's sick," Everett agreed. "It breaks down all those natural barriers that we're supposed to have. Think about this: one woman sleeping with a man and she knows this woman living here sleeps with him too, how does she feel about that woman? That is not a relationship that fosters anything kind. And how does she feel about him? That, in my mind, is almost like rape when you're just having sex with two or three different women. It's just, what are you doing? It is a sick thing and the only thing that can help us recover is Jesus."