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Barton: The Constitution Quotes the Bible 'Verbatim'

I admit to being utterly fascinated by David Barton's continuing insistence(link is external) that all sorts of elements of our society and our form of government came directly out of the Bible.

We have addressed these claims several times before(link is external), but Barton continues(link is external) to make them ... only now, he is insisting(link is external) that specific provisions in the Constitution were taken verbatim from the Bible:

For the record, here is the language in Article II(link is external):

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President.

Compare that to any of the various translations(link is external) of Deuteronomy 17:15:

You shall surely set him king over you, whom the LORD your God shall choose: one from among your brethren shall you set king over you: you may not set a stranger over you, who is not your brother.

Not exactly verbatim(link is external), now are they?