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Barton: God Will Hold You Accountable For How You Vote

David Barton has released a nearly nine minute video explaining to Christians that God will only bless this nation if we are righteous and that our national righteousness is determined by our public policies.  As such, if we want God to bless our nation, we have to give him a reason to do so and that is why Christians must vote. 

But not only do Christians have an obligation to vote, Barton says, but they will one day have to answer to God(link is external) for exactly how they used that vote:

We're to seek righteousness first, and dozens of Bible passages affirm that a nation's righteousness is determined by its public policies, by how well those policies conform to God's standards. We love to sing "God Bless America," but if we really want God to bless America, we've got to give him something to work with.

For Christians, voting is not a right, it's a duty. It's a stewardship that we owe to God and it's a stewardship for which we'll answer directly to him. One day we'll stand before him and he'll say "what did you do with that vote I gave you?" And we'll have to answer.

Righteousness must be the issue. It must be the measure to define what we're for politically and what we're against. And each of us will answer to God not only for whether we voted, but for how we voted, for what issues drove our vote.

If we stand before God and He says "why did you vote for a leader who's attempting to redefine my institution of marriage and who wills the unborn children that I knew before they were in the womb?" If He asks us that and our answer is "Because that leader was good on jobs and the economy," He's not going to accept that.

You can see the entire video here(link is external):