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Barton: God Will Not Bless America Economically If Gay Marriage And Abortion Are Legal

David Barton appeared on the "End of the Age" television program yesterday(link is external), where he declared that Christians must vote against any presidential candidate in 2016 who supports gay marriage or reproductive choice if America is to have any hope of achieving economic prosperity.

"We have to remember that righteousness exalts a nation, not economics," he said, "so do not vote your pocketbook. Forty-five percent of Christians vote economic issues over moral issues; that's not what God will bless. God will bless the moral issues, then your economics will follow that. So we have to come out of the closet and when we get out, we have to remember to think biblically when we vote."

When host Irvin Baxter of Endtimes Ministries asked if that meant that any presidential candidate who does not oppose gay marriage or legal abortion should automatically be dropped from consideration, Barton said that is exactly what it means.

"If you recognize same-sex marriage, that means you do not recognize an absolute moral law from God," Barton explained(link is external). "So if you're wrong on the same-sex marriage issue, you're wrong on God's moral law. If you're wrong on the life issue, you're wrong on inalienable rights. And those two are simple modern indicators of an overall philosophy that does comport with the founding documents or biblical principles."