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Barton: Harry Reid Supports Citizens United Amendment Because He Is An 'Atheist Mormon'

Ever since Sen. Tom Udall, D-N.M., proposed a constitutional amendment designed to restore to Congress and state governments the ability to regulate the raising and spending of money in elections, Republicans and conservatives have absurdly(link is external) been decrying it as an effort to gut the First Amendment(link is external).

On today's "WallBuilders Live" radio program(link is external), David Barton attacked Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for supporting this amendment, saying that his support for it proves that Reid is "an atheist Mormon" who doesn't realize that he will one day have to answer to God for trampling all over our God-given rights:

Barton: He has actually proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would re-write the First Amendment to take away original protections and limit the protections in the First Amendment.


What it also tells me is, and he's apparently a Mormon guy, that's fine. He is probably an atheist Mormon, Mormon in name only and the reason I say that is that so many Mormon folks are so conservative on the Constitution and such great defenders ... And so, when you look at what he's doing, the Bill of Rights is laid out in the Declaration of Independence, you start with the first belief that there's a Creator, the second belief that the Creator gives us certain inalienable rights, the third belief in the Declaration is that government exists to protect those rights inalienable rights.

So eleven years later when the Founding Fathers did the Bill of Rights they said, hey, these are those rights that we were talking about that the government is not allowed to touch because these come from the Creator and government exists to protect rights from the Creator. So that's why we've never messed with the Bill of Rights because they were always off limits to government because they came from God directly to man, they did not go through government to get here.


If you don't have the belief that you will answer to God for what you do, you will sell your country, you will sell your kids' future, you will sell everything going on and that's where we're getting.  And so it's not just a belief in God, it's the belief that you answer to God and you believe that, and see that's where Harry Reid is not. You know, he may believe in God, he probably says he does; I don't think he has any cognizance of having to answer to God for what he does.