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Barton: Teach Riflery In Public Schools To Eliminate Gun Violence And Accidents

In the wake of the Charleston church shooting(link is external) earlier this year, David Barton appeared on(link is external) the "Up For Debate" radio program to discuss the question of whether Christians should support gun control.

Given that Barton believes there should literally be no limits(link is external) on the Second Amendment and that individual citizens have the right to own a tank or even a fighter jet, it was not a surprise to hear him argue that Christians should not, in fact, support any sort of gun control efforts.

In fact, Barton said that the only sort of change needed in America is to return to the days when public schools taught riflery in P.E. class because, he insisted, back then there were no gun accidents or violent crime.

"In the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s," he said, "in the P.E. books in school, we had a chapter on riflery and we should students all about how to use guns, how to unload guns, how to shoot guns, how to create indoor ranges. We talked about gun safety, gun responsibility; we had such an emphasis on that aspect of training and education that you'll find in the '50s and '60s, gun accidents nearly never existed and violent crime, outside of organized crime, was just almost nonexistent."