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Beck Battles 'Principalities and Powers' to Reveal Boston Bombing Cover-Up

On his radio program yesterday, after he finished laying out his conspiracy theor(link is external)y about how the government is supposedly protecting an al Qaeda operative responsible for recruiting the Tsarnaev brothers to carry out the Boston Marathon bombing, Glenn Beck explained(link is external) how this was all being done for the benefit of Saudi Arabia.

But it turns out that it is not just global forces that Beck is up against in trying to expose this conspiracy, but "principalities and powers" which is Religious Right speak for satanic and demonic forces(link is external).

But Beck is not afraid(link is external) because he has God on his side so Washington can "bring it on."

This is not a conspiracy theory. We have the documentation. You want to play ball with us, Washington? Come on, bring it on, play ball! We are not afraid. We know exactly who we are dealing with. We are dealing with, quite honestly, principalites and power beyond our imagination.  But we know who we have on our side. Bring it on.