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Beck: Conspiracy Theorists Work to 'Plant the Seeds of Doubt Whenever and Wherever They Can'

Despite the fact that we watch Glenn Beck's programming for hours every day, we generally have no idea what it is he is taking about, mostly because his stream-of-consciousness style tends to blend his own conspiracies and his regular denunciations of conspiracy theories into one incoherent mess.

Last night's program was a perfect example, as he dedicated one portion to raising "unanswered questions(link is external)" about the judge brought in to read(link is external) Dzhokhar Tsarnaev his Miranda Rights by raising suspicions about her travels to Muslim nations.  That was followed by a discussion(link is external) of claims by Tsarnaev's mother that her sons were not responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing and are the victims of some sort of conspiracy to set them up.

Beck then went on(link is external) to suggest that this is part of some sort of intentional disinformation campaign designed to confuse people and it is working because her claims ring true to those who do not trust America, which is a growing number of people since 9/11.  Beck said that since people know that they cannot get the truth from the government or the media, conspiracy theories can more easily take root.  

To prove his point, he said that in the aftermath of 9/11, nobody believed "the Truthers" because "we never would have believed that before" but now "all they have to do is plant the seeds of doubt whenever and wherever they can."

And this, Beck suggested, is exactly what Tsarnaev's mother is doing, leading him to declare that "I can't help but wonder, is somebody coaching her"?