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Beck: Pelosi and Biden are not Catholics and Should Leave the Church

As we have noted before(link is external), one of the most remarkable thing about Glenn Beck is his willingness to declare that other people are not authentic Christians while Beck himself is a member of the LDS church(link is external), which many Christians do not consider(link is external) to be a Christian faith.

Last week, Beck appeared on a tele-briefing(link is external) for is external) hosted by former reality TV personality Rachel Campos-Duffy where he urged listeners not to tolerate anyone who does not teach proper Catholic doctrine and declared that Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden have no right to call themselves Catholic because they disagree with some of the positions set out by the Pope:

Don't tolerate someone who is not teaching Catholic doctrine. Go to your Bishop, go to your Cardinal, go to whoever will listen to you, but don't tolerate it!

I don't understand how, for instance, Nancy Pelosi can say she's a Catholic or Joe Biden can say he's a Catholic but he stands against what the Pope is saying. I've got news for you, if the Pope is telling you this is the doctrine of the church; if you disagree with it, go find another one and be who you really are!