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Bryan Fischer Demands That Every GOP Candidate Be Asked If Being Gay Is A Choice

Bryan Fischer was(link is external) so(link is external) enamored(link is external) with Ben Carson's statement that prison sex proves that homosexuality(link is external) is a choice that he spent two(link is external) segments(link is external) on his radio program today heaping praise upon Carson and defending his statement.

In fact, Fischer was so impressed with Carson's statement that he declared that Carson has now set "the benchmark for the other Republican candidates" and called for every other possible GOP candidate to be asked the same question so that they are all forced to state for the record whether they believe that being gay is a choice.

"I hope they are asked this question," Fischer said(link is external). "I want every single Republican candidate on record: Do you think that homosexual conduct is a choice? I want every GOP presidential candidate to be asked that question and to be put on record. Do you believe that homosexuality is a choice? What is your answer?"