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Bryan Fischer Opposes Net Neutrality, Which He Does Not Understand

On his radio broadcast on Monday(link is external), Bryan Fischer praised Sen. Ted Cruz's opposition(link is external) to President Obama's support for net neutrality by falsely claiming that it prevents customers from being allowed to pay more for faster internet service.

Like the National Religious Broadcasters(link is external), Fischer's opposition to net neutrality seems rooted in a complete lack of understanding about what net neutrality actually is(link is external), since he falsely insists that preserving the principle of an open internet would prevent service providers from offering plans with different internet speeds.

Charging different prices for different internet speeds is already a common practice(link is external), obviously, but Fischer laughably claims that net neutrality — which is the standard that is currently in place — would outlaw this practice.

"We can't let internet providers give people who are willing to pay more money faster speeds on the internet," Fischer said(link is external), paraphrasing his misunderstanding of net neutrality. "We can't charge people less if they're willing to accept slower speeds on the internet":