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Supreme Court

Bryan Fischer Says Anti-Gay Activists Now 'Second Class Citizens,' Mat Staver Likens DOMA Case to 'Altering the Laws of Gravity'

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer claimed on his radio show today that anti-gay activists will become “second class citizens(link is external)” and be relegated to “steerage status” as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision on the Defense of Marriage Act: “They’ve done to us exactly what they were falsely accusing us of doing to homosexuals.”

His guest, Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel, who is also the dean of Liberty University Law School, agreed, saying that the decision “demeans the institution of the United States Supreme Court.”

Staver agreed with Fischer that states should “simply ignore” the Supreme Court’s ruling …just as the government should ignore a court decision that upholds slavery, like Dred Scott, or a ruling which “alters the laws of gravity(link is external).”

“You can’t redefine marriage into something that it’s incapable of being, it’s incapable of being two people of the same sex,” Staver continued, adding that gay marriage is the “height of hubris” and “undermines the very foundation of our government.”

Earlier today, Staver argued(link is external) that the Supreme Court “lost legitimacy” with its DOMA ruling:

Marriage predates government and civil authorities. No civil authority, including the Supreme Court, has the authority to redefine marriage. Marriage was not created by religion or government and is ontologically a union of one man and one woman. For any Court or civil authority to think it has the authority to redefine marriage is the height of hubris. Deconstructing marriage will hurt children and society. While today’s decision on DOMA did not redefine marriage, it has provided the foundation on which to do so. Today’s decision is the equivalent of the 1972 contraception decision involving unmarried couples and the so-called right to privacy on which the 1973 abortion decision in Roe v. Wade was constructed. Today, the Supreme Court has damaged its image, lost legitimacy, and set in motion considerable harm to society and to the State of the Union.