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A Case Study In Why Religious Right Myths Never Die

Just last week, we noted that the story of Brynn Williams, a six-year old public school student who was supposedly banned from delivering her Christmas presentation in class because of its Christian content, was totally false(link is external).

This particular case was ginned up(link is external) by a California-based group called Advocates for Faith & Freedom which has now decided(link is external), even though the entire case is bogus, to continue trying to make an issue out of it:

Legal group Advocates for Faith and Freedom is defending two California students who were censored by school officials when they shared their Christian faith.

The families of Isaiah Martinez and Brynn Williams asked for legal assistance after teachers prevented them from sharing the true meaning of Christmas ...

Williams, a Temecula Valley first grader, brought a Star of Bethlehem from her family's Christmas tree as a show-and-tell assignment, OneNewsNow reported.

The little girl was told by the teacher to sit down before she could share her story.

The legal group has scheduled meetings with each school district and is demanding that the students be allowed to pass out items with the Christmas story and to finish a presentation about Jesus without interruption.

"The pendulum has swung so far in the wrong direction that often school officials, teachers feel entitled to be able to express hostility toward Christian students in the faith," says Robert Tyler, general counsel at Advocates.

The Constitution does not permit that, says Tyler, and instead requires a "neutrality toward all religions."

Advocates is also demanding that each school district adopt a model policy that will protect the religious liberties of all students. The model policy would then be utilized nationwide.

The fundamental issue upon which AFF based its case has been revealed to be utterly false, but the organization is pressing forward nonetheless ... and this is exactly why we always says that Religious Right myths never(link is external), ever(link is external) die.