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Cliff Kincaid Pledges To Fight To The Death Against Gay Marriage Before It Destroys America

Last week, Cliff Kincaid of the conservative groups Accuracy in Media and America’s Survival interviewed(link is external) Paul Kengor about his new book, “Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage.” Kincaid agreed with Kengor’s theory that gay marriage is an outgrowth of a Communist plot against America, while insisting that there is “a natural revulsion against where this whole thing is going. And [Americans] sense that our country is slipping away. And we can’t let that happen. It’s as simple as that.”

“We’ve got to fight to our deaths to save this great country,” Kincaid asserted.

Kengor hopes that his book will expose the truth about the gay rights movement, as he lamented that liberals are “unwittingly” backing a Communist agenda.

“This has been planned in advance,” Kincaid added. “This is the planned destruction of our country.”