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Coulter: Immigrants Will 'Give Birth to the Democratic Children That Liberals Aren't Having'

Expanding on her claim that America has too many Latinos(link is external), Ann Coulter today argues(link is external) that Democrats want to bring even more immigrants into the country because they are aborting their own children and don’t want conservatives “out-populating” them. Coulter warns that progressives intend to prevent their “demographic collapse” through immigration and see the Senate reform bill as a way “to flip an imminent conservative victory into a permanent liberal majority.”

After likening immigrants to prisoners, she writes that progressives “want the rest of the world’s poor to come here not only to raise their children, clean their houses, manicure their lawns and cook their meals, but to give birth to the Democratic children that liberals aren’t having.”

Republican states, such as Utah and Kentucky, have been steadily gaining population, while liberal states, such as New York and Vermont, are consistent demographic losers. It should not come as a surprise, though it always does, that people opposed to abortion are out-populating those who consider abortion a right.

But liberals always have a workaround. For decades, their solution to the left’s demographic collapse has been immigration. Idiot Republicans being buffaloed into supporting Rubio’s amnesty bill are not merely throwing Democrats a lifeline – they’re allowing Democrats to flip an imminent conservative victory into a permanent liberal majority.

With native-born liberals unwilling to reproduce themselves, liberals need a constant influx of new Democratic voters from other countries – and there happen to be 11 million of them living here right now! Contrary to Rubio-Republicans who think “they all look alike,” the vast majority of Hispanics are not “social conservatives.” (That’s blacks, Marco.) In addition to being the one ethnic group most opposed to capitalism – even more than Occupy Wall Street protesters! – polls show that Hispanics are more pro-abortion than other Americans (66 percent of Hispanics versus 50 percent of other voters) and favor gay marriage more than other Americans (59 percent compared to 48 percent of all voters). They also support big government by an astronomical 75 percent and Obamacare, in particular, by 62 percent. (Polls: Pew, ABC, ABC, Pew, Fox)

Of course the Democrats want these illegals voting!

It is of no concern to the Democratic Party that illegal aliens are lawbreakers and overwhelmingly minimum-wage workers. Liberals don’t care about the working class having millions more low-skilled workers competing with them, and they certainly don’t care about the country. They just want to win elections. (If only it would occur to Republicans that they need to win elections, too.)

Next, Democrats will be demanding that we set up polling booths in the prisons and sending Marco Rubio out to argue that we already have “de facto” prison-voting.

Does it occur to these brainless wonders in the GOP that the Democrats wouldn’t be agitating for amnesty if it didn’t get them votes? That’s all it’s about. Liberals want the rest of the world’s poor to come here not only to raise their children, clean their houses, manicure their lawns and cook their meals, but to give birth to the Democratic children that liberals aren’t having.