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Donald Trump Puts Together Another All-Male Advisory Team

Following his formation all-male teams of foreign affairs advisers(link is external) and national security advisers(link is external), Donald Trump today unveiled an all-male team of economic policy advisers(link is external), a group which includes donors(link is external) to his campaign.

Trump, who has been reeling from a controversy over his comments that women who face sexual harassment at work should simply quit and find a new job(link is external), was recently unable to think of a single woman he would name to his Cabinet(link is external) besides his daughter Ivanka and the woman who asked him the question.

This seems to be a theme in his campaign.

The GOP presidential nominee was unable to articulate his stance on equal pay for equal work last year, simply saying(link is external) that women are “gonna make the same” as men if they “do as good a job” and promising(link is external) to “take care of women.” A former Trump organizer is suing(link is external) Trump’s campaign for sex discrimination, alleging that “men doing the same jobs were paid more and were allowed to plan and speak at rallies, while her requests to do so were ignored.”

Trump regularly hurls thinly(link is external) veiled(link is external) sexist(link is external) insults(link is external) at rival Hillary Clinton, including one involving her getting “schlonged(link is external),” and has a long record of making degrading(link is external) and(link is external) disparaging(link is external) comments about women.

At a rally last month, Trump was flummoxed(link is external) as to why he hasn’t performed better with women voters, while still boasting that he is “doing well with the women”: “Fifty percent of our country is men, where I am doing very, very well, record-setting numbers, folks. That’s the good news. Let me give you the bad news. The women, I don’t know what is going on with the women here, but I think, I think I’m doing well with the women.”

A recent Marist poll found Trump trailing Clinton among women voters by 20 points(link is external).