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Enlow: American Pharoah's Triple Crown A Prophetic Sign Christians Will Soon Control The Seven Mountains

Johnny Enlow is a leading proponent(link is external) of Seven Mountains Dominionism(link is external), the idea that right-wing Christians should institute a "virtual theocracy(link is external)" in America by gaining control of the "mountains" of business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion throughout the nation, so much so that he literally wrote the book(link is external) on it.

Today, he is out with a column(link is external) declaring that the fact that American Pharoah recently became the first horse to win the Triple Crown(link is external) in 37 years is a prophetic sign that "we're going into the Promised Land of the tops of the 7 mountains of society":

I believe that American Pharoah winning speaks prophetically of a place and role that America is about to more fully step into as it relates to world affairs and the world economy ... I see the 37 years (time since last triple crown) as connecting to Genesis 37 when Joseph is first introduced to us and given the coat of many colors. In my book, The 7 Mountain Mantle: Receiving the Joseph Anointing to Reform Nations, I write much about this chapter telling of the coming Josephs who would arise in every mountain and be instrumental in the reforming of society. It's also significant that Joseph was 37 years old when the famine started that ultimately impulsed Egypt to an even more lead nation status. Because of the Joseph solutions implemented by Pharaoh, it says that "all nations came to Joseph," Egypt, and Pharaoh for their own survival (see Genesis 41:57).

I believe that the United States position in world economics is about to be greatly strengthened and that there will also be a corresponding weakening of many other nations' economic positions – with the United States increasingly being in a place of dictating terms of economic rescue for many nations. Significant economic shakings are coming, but they will end up greatly strengthening the United States' position in the world and not weakening it.

The Josephs will be bold as lions during this season and in the midst of much upheaval will greatly prosper ... The word Belmont means "beautiful mountain." The coming ever-changing landscape of world economics and world events, while chaotic at times, will increasingly tend towards the 7 mountains of society (media, economy, government, education, family, celebration arts, religion) being increasingly populated and positively affected by the rising sons and daughters of the King. The "stakes" have been about the mountains of culture properly reflecting the originally, designed image of God that was meant to function in society. We will now see a significant acceleration of change in every area of culture, as great shining ones will arise as never before ... I've shared for some time that there would be a release of the great angel of the mountain of economy this coming Rosh Hashanah. This timing correlates perfectly with the message to us by American Pharoah winning the Triple Crown.