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Enlow: Government & Media Should Function On Earth As They Do In Heaven

It has been quite some times since we have written any posts on Seven Mountains Dominionism(link is external) within the Religious Right, perhaps because many of its leading proponents have gotten wise(link is external) and made a conscious effort to downplay(link is external) their efforts to institute a "virtual theocracy(link is external)" by working to place Christians at the head of business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family and religion throughout the nation.

But that doesn't mean that the effort has disappeared.  In fact, Bishop Harry Jackson hosted a conference at his church just a few weeks ago that featured Johnny Enlow(link is external), the man who literally wrote the book(link is external) on the Seven Mountain Prophecy, where Enlow predictably made the case that the way these seven spheres operate in Heaven is the way they are supposed to operate on earth.

"The way communications and media functions in Heaven," Enlow said(link is external), is that "everything operates through a redemptive tone. There is good news for everything; everything is a testimonial" and that is how things are supposed to operate here on earth, adding that "the way government functions in Heaven can function here as government of the nations of the world":