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Erik Rush: Remove Obama From Office 'By Any Means Necessary'

While Larry Klayman believes(link is external) that “violent revolution” against President Obama “looms on the horizon,” Erik Rush is now openly calling for people to remove Obama from office “by any means necessary.” He says that people no longer need to obey the law because Obama administration “criminals have proven that they are not dissuaded by trifles like legality.”

“[A]ll I can say is that America has suffered casualties due to internal conflict before,” Rush writes today in a blog post titled, “It is Time… to Revolt Against a Tyrant(link is external),” in which he argues that “Obama and his cabal, and in all likelihood a substantial segment of Congress must go. We must also extricate the radicals and Islamists whom Obama has so kindly insinuated into high places in our government.”

Rush, a regular guest on Fox News, recently said that the president should face execution(link is external) over his supposed plot to nuke America(link is external) and argued that anyone who criticized Rush should be put in jail(link is external).

This administration, much of the Congress, and the creatures who support the same in blissful, belligerent ignorance must be neutralized if this nation is to survive in any semblance of its intended form. And it must be done by any means necessary, because such criminals have proven that they are not dissuaded by trifles like legality. The law, in our President’s estimation, is what he says it is. This has been proven time and again.

So Obama and his cabal, and in all likelihood a substantial segment of Congress must go. We must also extricate the radicals and Islamists whom Obama has so kindly insinuated into high places in our government. And the culture of our government must change. Indeed, it will take some time and sacrifice, but America has never faced a threat such as this. In truth, I don’t think any nation has.

As for those who remain dedicated to fighting for the legacy of our precious First Black President and all that the left holds dear for reasons of ideology or ignorance, all I can say is that America has suffered casualties due to internal conflict before. If you’re going to ally with liars, slanderers, oppressors, deviants, thieves, wife-beaters, murderers, and pedophile rapists, don’t plan to be remembered as having been on the right side of history.