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Feder: Latinos Like 'Pagan Armies' of the Bible, 'Yearning to Breathe Free Stuff'

Count Don Feder out of the growing movement of evangelicals who are championing immigration reform. The World Congress of Families spokesman writes(link is external) today that undocumented immigrants shouldn’t be treated with compassion, but instead like violent pagan forces: “The illegal immigrants swarming over our southern border are more akin to the pagan armies which regularly invaded the land of Israel and were repulsed by military force. The Bible is a guide for living, not a suicide pact.”

“Securing our borders with an amnesty is like promoting chastity with condoms,” Feder continues. “Political compassion has resulted in most of the horrors of modernity,” such as communism and “the destruction of the black family.”

He warns that an immigration reform law “will end up electing a lot of pro-abortion, anti-marriage leftists” as “illegals will elect a host of welfare-state Democrats.” “This is a constituency that yearns to breathe free stuff,” he writes.

Feder even makes the false claim(link is external) that immigrants tend to be criminals: “Apparently, murder, rape and vehicular homicide are jobs Americans won't do.”

Securing our borders with an amnesty is like promoting chastity with condoms. In 1986, we amnestied 2.7 million to fix our "broken immigration system." Now we have at least 11.1 million. In the mid-1980s, they were coming at a rate of 500,000 a year. Now we're getting a million annually. If this amnesty passes, how many will we be dealing with in another 20 years?

"Appropriate penalties" and earned citizenship are a smoke screen. The penalties assessed will never be collected. (It's in the left's interest to remove any impediments to citizenship/voting.) Citizenship won't be earned. (How, by memorizing the Gettysburg Address?) It will be bestowed.

The alien or foreigner did not receive permission to live in the land. The illegal immigrants swarming over our southern border are more akin to the pagan armies which regularly invaded the land of Israel and were repulsed by military force. The Bible is a guide for living, not a suicide pact.

Based on his misreading of Scriptures, Rev. [Samuel] Rodriguez calls for compassion toward "the least among us," which apparently does not include the citizens preyed on by criminal aliens, or the unskilled worker who loses his job because he can't compete with cheap labor imported from Tijuana.

Compassion and politics are a volatile mix. In the guise of fighting poverty, 1960s Great Society programs destroyed the black family and gave us an 80% out-of-wedlock birth rate in the inner city.

Currently, anti-family ideologues are playing the compassion card against those of us who resist the deconstruction of marriage. In his majority opinion overruling DOMA, Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said defenders of the natural family are telling gays that their unions are inferior to ours. No wonder homosexuals think Republicans are mean.

This is a constituency that yearns to breathe free stuff. An April 2012 Pew Hispanic Center poll showed a staggering 75% want more government services, compared to 41% of the general public. Among the public at large, 45% want smaller government, against 19% of Hispanics.

Ultimately, it's all academic. Hispanics don't vote on social issues. Only one House member whose district borders Mexico voted against Obamacare. In pursuit of government deluxe, newly enfranchised illegals will elect a host of welfare-state Democrats, who will vote predictably on abortion, marriage and judicial nominations. In the name of caring for the least-among-us, evangelicals will end up electing a lot of pro-abortion, anti-marriage leftists.

The strangers among us include a quarter of all inmates in the federal prison system. With another 297,000 in state prisons and jails, they comprise 16.4% of the country's total prison population. Apparently, murder, rape and vehicular homicide are jobs Americans won't do.

Political compassion has resulted in most of the horrors of modernity – from the French Revolution (liberty, equality and fraternity aren't bad things) to communism (to each according to his need), to the destruction of the black family (in the name of a war on poverty) to the war on the family (in the name of equality).

What the left never learned some on the right are quickly forgetting.