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Fischer: Gay Activists Are Modern Day Nazi Stormtroopers

On his radio program today(link is external), Bryan Fischer returned to his favorite theory that gays are modern day Nazis.

We already know that Fischer believes that Adolf Hitler was gay(link is external), that the Nazi Party was started by gays(link is external), and that Hitler filled the ranks of his Stormtroopers with gays because(link is external) they were the only ones he could find who were "savage and brutal and vicious enough to carry out his orders."

And so, logically, gay activists today are modern day Nazis(link is external) who seek to do to Christians just what the Nazis did to the Jews ... minus the violence, at least for now.

Asserting that "there are some serious pathologies associated with homosexual behavior," Fischer ran through his theory about connection between gays and Nazism as supposed proof that "everywhere you go, when gay activists gain the upper hand, they are thuggish, totalitarian, and repressive."

"Just as the homosexual Stormtroopers for Hitler were to exterminate and eliminate the opposition and beat them into silence," Fischer stated(link is external), "that's what homosexual activists want to do today":