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Fischer: 'Homosexuality in the End Is Going to Be Responsible for the Collapse of the Western Economy'

Bryan Fischer is a big fan of Niall Ferguson’s bogus claim(link is external) (which he has since renounced(link is external)) that John Maynard Keynes did not care about how his economic policies impacted future generations because, as a gay man, he didn’t plan to have children.

The American Family Association spokesman took issue with Tom Kostigen of Financial Advisor, whom Fischer called a member of the “pro-sodomy gestapo, the gaystapo,” for criticizing Ferguson(link is external) when he is in fact “exactly right” for blaming the 2008 financial crisis on the gay community.

“He was a narcissist, he was a hedonist and he was a homosexual,” Fischer said, “his view of history is very shortsighted, short-circuited, he cared about himself and his generation exclusively; so homosexuality in the end is going to be responsible for the collapse of the Western economy.”

Watch:(link is external)