Back in 2000, a gay couple who had been been together for decades and registered as domestic partners in New York City moved to Pennsylvania, where gay marriage was illegal and their relationship was not legally recognized. Concerned about protecting their legal rights when it came to issues of inheritance and estate planning, the two men followed the advice of their lawyer and became legally related through adoption.
Last year, Pennsylvania's law banning gay marriage was struck down and so this couple dissolved their adoption decree and are now planning on getting legally married .... and Bryan Fischer is predictably freaking out, saying that the state of Pennsylvania has now legalized incest.
"We talk about pedophilia is coming, bestiality is going to be down the road, and we've talked about incest and I think incest is going to be one of the dominos that is soon to fall," Fischer said on his radio program today. "In fact, it already has in Pennsylvania."
Outraged that Pennsylvania would even allow the two men to enter into such a relationship in the first place, Fischer declared that it created a situation where "someone who is legally a father sleeping, enjoying carnal relations with somebody who legally is his son. What is that? That's incest."
"Now you have the normalization, through the homosexual agenda" of incest, Fischer said. "You're going to have incest that's been normalized and legalized [and] a father and a son will be allowed to enter into a homosexual marriage. Again, as we said, now incest is being normalized. There is just no place to stop":