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Fischer: 'We Shouldn't Operate In This Fantasy Land'

We know that when it comes to questions of science, Bryan Fischer is an authority who can fully be trusted because he has "an allegiance to science(link is external)," which is why he doesn't believe in climate change or evolution and knows that Jesus holds the atomic nucleus together(link is external) and that the Second Law of Thermodynamics was first mentioned in the Bible(link is external).

So it was no surprise to see him(link is external) seize upon an op-ed(link is external) in USA Today by a former president of the American Psychological Association claiming that "ex-gay" sexual reorientation therapy is not unethical to declare that anyone who thinks that gays are born that way is doing so "in defiance of science," adding that gay activists are "completely unhinged and unmoored" from reality.

"We shouldn't operate in this fantasy land, this make believe world where everything is fabricated and made up and there's no basis for it in reality" said Fischer(link is external) ... the man who, just last week, recalled(link is external) how he had once been targeted by a coven of local witches who had sent out a demonic spirit to attack him by grabbing his ankle while he slept: