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Fischer: You Cannot Reason with Gays Because God has Given Them Over to Depraved Minds

The other day we posted a clip(link is external) of AFA's Buster Wilson musing about whether the recent repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell might be playing some role in the rise in suicides among members of the Armed Services.

After we posted the video, Evan Hurst at Truth Wins Out picked it up and posted on their blog(link is external) as well and his post caught the attention of Wilson, who then showed up in the comments to accuse them of deceptively editing the video and defend his remarks, which then set off a long debate in the comments(link is external).

Yesterday(link is external), Bryan Fisher cited the debate between Wilson and the folks over at TWO as proof(link is external) that "you cannot reason with these people because they are impervious to facts, they are impervious to logic, they are impervious to reason, they are impervious to history, they are impervious to the truth."  And the reason that gays and liberals and the like cannot be reasoned with is because God has given them over to a "depraved mind," so "their thinking is messed up [and] they don't process information the way normal people process information":