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Five Questions Fox News Sunday Should Ask Jerry Boykin

Fox News Sunday announced(link is external) today that it will host Family Research Council vice president and anti-Muslim activist Jerry Boykin on this weekend’s program.

The last time Boykin appeared on Fox News, Megyn Kelly confronted him about his extremism, asking him about his statement that the U.S. should ban mosques(link is external). Boykin, now the vice president of the Family Research Council, tried to backtrack(link is external) on the statement he made on Bryan Fischer’s radio show that there should be “no mosques in America” by arguing that he only was referring to the “Ground Zero mosque,” even though his interview with Fischer had nothing to do with it(link is external).

This weekend, we hope Chris Wallace will also take the opportunity to ask Boykin about his extremist views:

  1. Do you still believe that Islam “should not be protected under the First Amendment(link is external)”?
  2. How soon will women in the U.S. “be wearing burkas(link is external)” under the force of law?
  3. What evidence do you have that President Obama is a Communist(link is external) who is creating a Hitler-style Brownshirt army(link is external) to “control the population in America(link is external)”?
  4. Do you still believe that America is under the control of a George Soros-linked “cabal” intent on creating a “global” and “Marxist government”(link is external)?
  5. Can you explain your view that American Jews don’t properly understand Adolf Hitler(link is external)?

If Boykin wants to be treated as a credible voice on a Sunday show, maybe he should start by explaining just a few of his radical allegations.