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Frank Gaffney Goes Birther

Anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney has served as an adviser to Michele Bachmann(link is external) and on his talk show hosted Republican notables like Rand Paul(link is external), Allen West(link is external), Louie Gohmert(link is external), Peter King(link is external), along(link is external) with(link is external) many(link is external) other(link is external) Republican(link is external) officials(link is external). Now that the GOP has all but embraced anti-Muslim views, his radical(link is external) claims(link is external) have not offended Republican leaders, except for his attacks against conservative leader Grover Norquist for supposedly aiding the Muslim Brotherhood(link is external).

Last week he hosted(link is external) conservative columnist Diana West and lavished her “research” with praise, concluding that Obama is indeed ineligible to be president:

For her work on the birther issue, Gaffney hailed West as a “hero of the Republic”:

Gaffney repeated a fake, made-up quote(link is external) that Obama supposedly admitted to not being born in the U.S. while running for U.S. Senate as fact, while West cited a baseless rumor about an omniscient mailman(link is external) and another debunked hoax(link is external) that Obama’s own grandmother said he was born in Kenya:

West went on to praise birther Sheriff Joe Arpaio, calling him an “American hero” and that “John Wayne could have played him,” and said that he proved that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery. “We have the President of the United States and his support system pushing this document out as an authentic representation of the long form birth certificate,” Gaffney charged, “it certainly stinks to high heavens”:

The pair said that the government and the media were both actively suppressing the birthers’ “evidence,” with West maintaining that “we are not operating in a free society at this point” and that America is becoming an “authoritarian, dictatorial” society. Gaffney, of course, tied it all back to the supposed menace of Sharia law:

Gaffney said it was “reminiscent of how totalitarians suppress the truth,” much like in Communist societies, and then said it all goes back to Obama’s ties to Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Saul Alinsky…and Vladimir Lenin!

Again, this is supposed to be a leading “expert” on the Right.