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Glenn Beck Honors 9/11 By Accusing President Obama Of Treason

Just the other day, Glenn Beck was complaining that everyone thinks that he hates President Obama while insisting that he doesn't, claiming, as proof, that he had never even called for Obama to be impeached. 

That was, of course, a lie(link is external) ... and today he took things a step further on his radio program by accusing Obama of treason.

Furious about the speech President Obama delivered on Syria last night, Beck asserted that any military action against the Syrian regime would be for the benefit of al Qaeda, which would make Obama guilty of aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States of America and "that makes him a traitor."

Saying that Obama "doesn't think like an American, he thinks like a guy in the Middle East, he thinks like a foreigner," Beck said of Obama's speech last night that "somebody should get the dictionary out for [the definition of] treason because I'm pretty sure there has to be several witnesses to someone aiding and abetting the enemy of the United States."

"How are we seriously being asked to aid and abet the enemy of the United States of America?" Beck bellowed(link is external). "How's that possible? How dead inside does he think we are to ask us to go along with it on the eve of September 11?":