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Glenn Beck Readies To Read His Children 'Left Behind' And Move Operations To Israel In Preparation For Looming Collapse

Glenn Beck hosted a studio audience on his television program last night, where he revealed that he has ordered his staff to find a location outside of the United States from which he can continue to broadcast his programs once American society collapses and the government shuts down his network.

Beck fielded a question from a woman who had relocated her family from California to Texas based upon Beck's warnings of a coming social collapse and wanted Beck's advice on how best to prepare her children for what is to come, to which Beck responded that he and his wife are going to start reading the apocalyptic "Left Behind" series to their own children in preparation for the End Times.

Beck revealed that he recently had conversations with two different people who warned that the American economy and social structure are on the verge of total collapse, which prompted him to tell his staff to get to work finding a location in Israel to which they can flee when it happens.

"We have to pick up our pace on finding another place to broadcast," Beck told his staff. "I need to know if I can get to Jerusalem, where they won't shut this down and we can be able to broadcast into the United States. This could end quickly."

Beck's young daughter happened to be in the room when he made that declaration and was understandably upset by it, but Beck said that we cannot shield our children from the realities of the world because "they're the giants that are going to fix this, they have to know."

As such, Beck and his wife are going to be reading the "Left Behind" series to their children because "they have to know that this might be the time ... You have an army on earth now that says they are the army of the Antichrist, they are the army of Armageddon."

Beck, of course, is doing all that he can to prevent this from happening, which is why he has endorsed Ted Cruz for president.

"This is why I'm endorsing Ted Cruz and I'm going out this weekend" to Iowa, he said(link is external). "If I could change one mind, I am not going to sit at home because I know what the consequences are."