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Glenn Beck Warns Obama Is About To Snap, Will Start Putting Conservatives Into Internment Camps

On his radio broadcast today, Glenn Beck warned that too many crises are piling up all at the same time which will cause the press to finally turn on President Obama. That, in turn, will cause Obama to finally snap and start rounding up conservatives and putting them into camps.

Just as German society demonized Jews for years before the Nazis took power, Beck warned that this nation "has been watering some seeds" for nearly ten years to condition Americans to accept that "there are those enemies of the president that need to be punished."

Once the press turns on Obama, Beck warned, he "is not going to react well" because he has been coddled his entire life and was always treated like a god who was never to be criticized or questioned. 

Saying that Obama is like a spoiled child who is about to be told that he doesn't get a trophy just for participating, Beck predicted that Obama would respond by lashing out furiously at conservatives and putting them into internment camps.

"If you couple that [sense of entitlement] with power," he stated(link is external), "you're in trouble":