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Harvey: LGBT Equality Will Usher In "Anti-Family Tyranny"

Mission America’s Linda Harvey, shockingly, is deeply troubled by President Obama’s LGBT Pride Month reception(link is external) and fears that the push for gay rights will ultimately lead to “anti-family tyranny.” A staunch opponent of LGBT equality, Harvey recently asserted that tolerance of homosexuality caused the housing crisis(link is external) and that marriage equality exacerbated America’s “perpetual pansexual pagan party(link is external).” She argues(link is external) in her latest radio show that if Obama continues to advocate for gay rights, liberty itself may be at risk:

Harvey: Our President has launched a broad scale attack on traditional values. If homosexuals and transgenders are allowed to live and love as they see fit, we would have a whole societal mess on our hands, which is already starting to happen in some areas. We’re already seeing the denial of liberty, intimidation tactics, and flat out dirty tricks in the effort to silence concerned citizens, especially Christians. And I’m sure many of you are as dismayed as I am over our hyper-sexualized culture, well homosexual activism only puts that trend on steroids.


It’s not a rights issue, its cultural revolution, where homosexuality is declared acceptable, the harm and detriments disguised, and no other views are allowed. And that’s not human rights, friends, it’s anti-family tyranny. We need someone else as President, don’t you think? Someone who loves and honors God, His design, and truth itself.