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Homosexuals Are "On Their Way to Hell" says Pat Robertson

Pat Robertson has dammned homosexuals to hell, claimed the majority of homosexuals were turned to that lifestyle due to an abusive relationship, and called homosexuality an "abomination of God"...all in one minute and 37 seconds.

Speaking on The 700 Club today(link is external), Robertson was responding to a question posed by a mother who was asking for help on "how to handle" her homosexual son: 

TERRY MEEUWSEN (co-host): This is Theresa. This is difficult. She says, "How should we, as parents of a homosexual son, handle the ongoing challenges facing us, such as staying true to our faith and following the commandment to 'love your neighbor as yourself'? This is very difficult for us."

ROBERTSON: Well, first of all, he's not your neighbor. He's your son; that's a different thing. You owe him, you know, advice and counsel and guidance. You're his parent. First of all, you didn't say how old he is. Secondly, I am not at all persuaded that so-called homosexuals are homosexuals because of biological problems. There may be a very few, but there are so many that have been made homosexuals because of a coach or a guidance counselor or some other male figure who has abused them and they think there's something wrong with their sexuality. So you need to get deep into why he is what he is, instead of just saying, "Well, he's a homosexual so how do I handle him, and how do I be Christian?" Well, I think you ought to tell him, "Listen, son, you know, here's what the Bible says about this, and it's called an abomination before God, so I've got to tell you the truth because I love you." That's what I think. All right, what else?

MEEUWSEN: And then you do that -- you love him.

ROBERTSON: You love him. Of course you love him. And you accept him. You love him, but at the same time, you can't let him just go, you know, he'll wind up --

MEEUWSEN: Without knowing truth, yeah.

ROBERTSON: Well, I mean, if somebody's on their way to hell, they'll -- I mean, you've got to love them to rescue them.

Instead of calling her son an "abomination of God" as Robertson would suggest, maybe "Theresa" should love and appreciate her son, regardless of his sexual orientation.