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Impeach Obama Because State Officials Are Refusing To Defend Anti-Gay Marriage Amendments

Last week, Liberty Counsel launched a campaign(link is external) calling upon Congress to impeach President Obama because he has supposedly committed multiple "high crimes and misdemeanors." But it turned out(link is external) that the particular crimes that Liberty Counsel had in mind were not very specific, but rather consisted mostly of "whatever Congress says it is at any given time."

On yesterday's "Faith and Freedom" radio broadcast(link is external), Matt Barber and Mat Staver continued to make their vague case for Obama's impeachment by blaming him for creating a culture of "lawlessness" in which governors and attorneys general can refuse to defend their state constitutional amendments banning gay marriage.

It is apparently Obama's fault that state-level officials are refusing to defend these discriminatory amendments and so Obama needs to be removed from office:

Staver: This lawlessness has been empowered by President Obama and Eric Holder, the Attorney General, where they have just simply ignored the laws and decided not only to not enforce certain laws that they don't like but also to actively work to undermine them. That's why we're calling for President Obama's impeachment, he's just acting in a lawless way.


This is where it started and now you have the same thing happening with the other Democratic governors and attorneys general. Like in Virginia for example, Mark Herring, two weeks after being sworn in as the new Democratic attorney general, he decided that he was not going to defend Virginia's marriage law, he was actually going to undermine it. Now you've got the same thing in Nevada, they're no longer going to defend the 2002 law affirming that marriage as the union of one man and one woman and not recognizing same-sex marriage.


Barber: And it has an even more dramatic and widespread impact, this culture of lawlessness that Barack Obama is largely responsible for creating. He has the bully pulpit, he holds the highest office in the land and so people are looking to him for direction. Well, he has set the tempo here so we are now living in a culture of lawlessness where relativists, ideologically-driven relativists, ideologues, liberals, are saying we're not really a nation of laws, we're a nation of men and we're the ones who are smart enough to know better, we need to effect change, we have to skirt the Constitution, get around the laws or just trample right over them in order to do what we want to do and accomplish what we want to accomplish. And that's why this culture of lawlessness that we can point to multiple, specific instances and actions by President Obama and inactions that have created the culture, this is why we believe and we are petitioning Congress essentially to impeach this man.