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'It Is a Measure of the Depravity of the Homosexual Movement that it will Not Spare the Innocence of Children'

Conservative writer Robert R. Reilly has moved from anti-Islam(link is external) activism(link is external) to attacking LGBT equality advocates, warning in a column(link is external) today that gays and lesbians “use a stealth approach under the cover of issues such as school safety, diversity, and bullying” to “enforce” homosexuality in the classroom.

Reilly, who is “currently completing a book on the natural law argument against homosexual marriage for Ignatius Press,” warns that “the infiltration of higher education by LGBT studies” has led to the proliferation of “LGBT propaganda in elementary schools and high schools.” He claims that gays and lesbians have introduced “shocking” materials into the classroom that are “invitations to obscenity.”

“It is a measure of the depravity of the homosexual movement that it will not spare the innocence of children,” Reilly writes, arguing that the drive “to make the abnormative normative before the children have developed their critical faculties of thought” will promote “evil teaching” that “scandalizes the children.”

He even refers to homosexuality as an “affliction” and a “sickness”: “[R]espect does not require calling the affliction something other than what it is – much less its opposite. One cannot teach about sickness and at the same time call it health.”

The logic works like this: If homosexual acts are moral, as so many now insist, then they should be normative. If they are normative, they should be taught in our schools as a standard. If they are a standard, they should be enforced. And so it has come, and is coming, to be. Education is an essential part of the drive to universalize the rationalization for homosexual behavior; so it must become a mandatory part of the curriculum.

The infiltration of higher education by LGBT studies is well known. However, less attention seems to have been paid to the effort to spread LGBT propaganda in elementary schools and high schools. Because of the young ages of students K through 12, the introduction of pro-homosexual materials has required a special sensitivity from those who are trying to get away with it. They must avoid the explicit nature of the LGBT courses offered at the college level and disguise the effort in terms of something other than what it really is. Therefore, they use a stealth approach under the cover of issues such as school safety, diversity, and bullying.

It is a measure of the depravity of the homosexual movement that it will not spare the innocence of children in the spread of its rationalization, which must embrace everyone at every age, regardless of price. Innocence cannot be left to stand in its way. As shocking as some of the classroom and reading material may be, it is all part of the inexorable logic of the situation playing itself out.

Classroom presentations by homosexuals or on the subject of homosexuality are invitations to obscenity and inevitably lead to the question asked by one boy during It’s Elementary: “How do you guys do it?” The response was, “We are not allowed to talk about our personal sex lives – we can't do that”. Nevertheless, with the question implanted, curious young minds will ineluctably be drawn to the subject of sodomy. “So that’s what those nice guys who talked with us do? There must not be anything wrong with it”. Mission accomplished – to make the abnormative normative before the children have developed their critical faculties of thought.

Everyone who has an affliction deserves respect and consideration. But respect does not require calling the affliction something other than what it is – much less its opposite. One cannot teach about sickness and at the same time call it health. It is much worse to promote moral sickness as moral well-being – especially to children.

To teach children that one’s orientation, sexual or otherwise, gives one license to perform acts that are inherently immoral is an evil teaching. It scandalizes the children. It also degrades the dignity of human free will and responsibility to teach that these acts are inevitable outcomes of “who we are”, rather than as freely chosen deeds with consequences in terms of both moral and physical health.