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King: During Last Election, Democrats 'Knew What Internet Sites We Were Looking At'

On his radio program this morning, Glenn Beck was interviewing Rep. Steve King(link is external) and mentioned that, on Monday, Sen. Mike Lee will appear on the program to discuss the theory(link is external) that Chief Justice John Roberts was "pressured" into ruling in favor of health care reform, possibly through the use of information gathered by the NSA's PRISM surveillance program.

When Beck asked King if he believed that lawmakers were having their personal lives monitored through PRISM and were being blackmailed by it, King responded that there was no doubt that such capabilities existed. In fact, King said, he recently had a private conversation with a Democratic strategist who told him that, during the last election, they knew which websites opposing candidates where visiting.

That caught Beck's attention and he asked King to repeat it, which he did(link is external), saying "they knew what internet sites we were looking at" and that the revelation "was a pretty chilling thing to go into my ear."  King said he doesn't know how they obtained such information but he assumes it was through something similar to PRISM:

Given how Beck operates, where any unverified piece of hearsay is immediately believed and trusted so long as it supports his worldview, we won't be at all surprised when he starts to repeatedly assert, as if it was a well-established fact, that Democrats used PRISM to spy on Republican candidates.