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Lively: 2014 Will See Tide Turn Against Satanic LGBT Rights Movement

Scott Lively, the radical preacher and Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate, is predicting that 2014 will be the year that the tide turns back in the favor of the anti-gay Right. In a column(link is external) today, Lively describes the struggle between the Religious Right and gay rights advocates as “a battle between Good and Evil.”

“The homosexual movement stands for the agenda of the evil one, represented in counterfeit marriage and corrupt notions of family, the sublimation of the needs of children to hedonistic selfishness, and a degeneration of civilization into moral anarchy,” he writes.

While Lively lashes out at Republicans in the U.S. for helping “hand over the military to the Sodomites,” he praises anti-gay measures in India, Russia and Jamaica, and argues that the reason Ukraine’s president pulled out of an agreement with the European Union was “the Ukrainian disdain for the sexual perversion agenda of the EU.”

Those of us who still hold a Biblical worldview have been heartened by recent global events affirming normalcy. The Australian high court struck down “gay marriage” as unconstitutional, the Indian high court re-criminalized sodomy, and Russian President Putin declared his nation to be the new moral compass of the world for championing family values. Although Ukraine’s highly controversial decision to postpone (or cancel) a step into the fold of the European Union has been framed in economic terms, there is little doubt that the Ukrainian disdain for the sexual perversion agenda of the EU has played a major role. And in tiny Jamaica, a push to decriminalize sodomy (driven in large part by the U.S. State Department), has run into so much opposition that the pro-family Jamaicans just might win that battle.

In the US, 2013 saw the completion of a 40-year LGBT campaign to conquer American society and culture. 40 years happens to be the Biblical number of testing (just as 13 is the number of rebellion against God) but in practical terms it was the length of time the “gays” needed to subjugate all of the secular institutions in America. The very last to fall was, of course, the Boy Scouts of America. Tellingly, the new homosexual-controlled BSA has just elected as its first president, the reprobate Robert Gates, who, as Obama’s Defense Secretary, homosexualized the next-most-recent “gay” trophy, the United States Military, following the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

To those who would suggest that the Republican Party remains a secular institution still committed to defending the natural family, let me remind you that it was the Republicans, including libertarian darling Ron Paul, who willingly provided the votes to hand over the military to the Sodomites. And even Ted Cruz voted recently to affirm the first openly homosexual judge to the federal bench. It‘s my theory that the seismic shift of FOX News to a more “gay-friendly” posture over the past 18 months or so is designed to give cover to the now solidly pro-homosexual Republican establishment. (The GOP elite just can’t be too open about it because the grassroots is still strongly pro-family.)

Now that the people with cloudy secular thinking and ambiguous motives are off the battlefield, we can all finally recognize the culture war for what is it: a battle between Good and Evil. The still sizable remnant of the Christian church stands for the goodness of God, represented in the blessing of authentic marriage and the natural family, the sanctity of life and a civilization grounded in Biblical truth. The homosexual movement stands for the agenda of the evil one, represented in counterfeit marriage and corrupt notions of family, the sublimation of the needs of children to hedonistic selfishness, and a degeneration of civilization into moral anarchy.

Yes, 2013 was the year of the LGBT agenda. But I‘m predicting 2014 will be the Year of the Pro-Family Push-Back!

In 2014, I will be working to encourage the church in America to reacquaint itself with the clear Biblical teaching on homosexuality that has been largely self-censored due to the pressure of political-correctness in the popular culture. Now that the giant has awakened and realizes there is a very real threat to Christian civilization presented by the homosexual movement, individual churches will be increasing more inclined to revisit the teaching of the Bible on the topic.