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Michael Savage Warns That SNL And Larry David Are Ushering In Sharia Law

Last week, conservative radio host Michael Savage fumed(link is external) over Larry David’s impersonation of Bernie Sanders(link is external) on Saturday Night Live, saying it was a direct attack on him as it ignored his much better impersonation of Sanders(link is external).

He claimed that SNL tried to cover up Sanders’ supposed “Soviet-style politics” by purportedly avoiding jokes about his views on socialism.

“The reason Saturday Night Live made believe that they were ridiculing Bernie Sanders was to weaken Michael Savage’s strong performance, where not only is ‘Bernie Sanders the lunatic’ ridiculed, but more particularly Bernie Sanders’ more insane Soviet economics are exposed through my comedy,” he boasted, before claiming that when shows like SNL “see a genuine threat emerge on the other side in the form of someone who is as talented as I am and they take on one of their cultural icons, they bring in their biggest guns to try and triangulate the opposition.”

Savage concluded that SNL was paving the way for the imposition of Sharia law in the U.S. by keeping people distracted from the supposed Muslim threat.

He alleged that Muslims “pretending to be refugees” from countries like Syria are part of a concerted Islamist campaign that “threatens to drown the world and drag us into a 1,000 years of darkness.” Thanks to SNL and “snide Brooklyn vermin like Larry David,” he said, Americans are ignoring this menace while “Muslims gain a majority through their multiple breeding” and “gain control of the military.”

The always modest Savage host then hailed himself as a hero for warning the people: “I am the George Washington of my time. I am the Paul Revere of my time.”

“My friends, if you want Sharia law then listen to Saturday Night Live while stoned on marijuana,” he said. “If you think you’re just smoking a j and having a good night, you don’t understand that they’ve been brain-deadening you for years.”

Because Hollywood is aiming to ruin the image of America and “make everyone doubt their own country,” Savage said, groups like ISIS now seem “not that bad.” Along with the entertainment industry, he also blamed Ivy League schools, which he said “pollute” the minds of students and “give your daughter a condom and tell her to sleep with her sorority sister,” for contributing to “the weakening of the moral fiber” of America and consequently “the meltdown of a nation.”

“Now nature abhors a vacuum,” Savage continued, a vacuum which he suggests will be filled by radical Islamists.

He concluded that David and other comedians have helped bring America down by having “melted the society down with their cynicism, juvenile cynicism,” and now “the Islamists are seeing this for what it is, utter weakness,” which they will in turn exploit with mass immigration.