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Michele Bachmann: Hillary Clinton Will Destroy America By Bringing In 'Third World' Immigrants

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann warned on Saturday that the election of Hillary Clinton to the presidency would usher in the complete destruction of America, unless God uses Donald Trump to save the country(link is external).

In an interview(link is external) with End Times broadcaster Jan Markell, the Minnesota Republican lauded Trump’s “1950s sensibilities,” “churched background” and vow to “only appoint pro-life judges.”

“He gets and understands religious liberty,” Bachmann said, noting that Trump discussed the so-called War on Christmas at a recent meeting with evangelical leaders in New York. “He even said, ‘I don’t understand,’ he said, ‘When I was growing up everybody said Merry Christmas. Even my Jews would say Merry Christmas.’”

Markell also warned of the dangers of Clinton presidency: “The Titanic is three-fourths under water right now. You get another four years, another eight years of this progressivism, of this infatuation with Islam and caving to all things Islam, of the LGBT community rammed down our throats, rammed down the throats of the churches, and that’s going to intensify a thousand times more with a Hillary Clinton administration.”

Bachmann, a member of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board(link is external), said conservatives who stay home on Election Day rather than vote for Trump will “ensure that we will lose the United States of America; they will ensure it. They will ensure that every godless principle there is comes into this country.”

Clinton, according to Bachmann, will be “pro-Islam” and “bring us into a certain destruction for the United States.”

She then wondered if God elevated Trump to succeed in the Republican presidential primary because he was capable of beating Clinton in November: “When it comes down to it, Trump may have been the only candidate who could actually defeat Hillary. What I kept thinking to, Jan, was the Book of Daniel, and the Book of the Daniel, the essence of the book, was that the most high God lifts up who he will and takes down who he will.”

Bachmann called on members of the Never Trump movement, such as conservative radio host Mark Levin(link is external), to change their minds, warning that a Clinton presidency would do away with America for good by changing the country’s demographics.

Democrats, Bachmann said, are “allowing well over a million people from the Third World to flood into our country, bringing in diseases, people who are criminals, rapists, all the rest.”

She then repeated her false claim that President Obama gave millions of undocumented immigrants the right to vote in the run-up to the 2012 election. These immigrants, she continued, “are going to be voting to transform the United States into, like, a Third World country.”