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Nebraska Board Of Education Member Runs Racist, Anti-LGBT Blog

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts started off his first term as governor this week by having to condemn(link is external) a Republican member(link is external) the state board of education, Pat McPherson, for running a conservative political blog that repeatedly referred to President Obama as a “half-breed(link is external).”

Ricketts stopped short of calling for McPherson to resign, as the board of education member pled ignorance and vowed to take down the blog. McPherson claimed that he did not write, or even read, the controversial posts on his blog, but refused to name the author. As the Omaha World-Herald reports(link is external), it is difficult to decipher who authored each post, especially since McPherson started attempting to scrub the website:

In all cases, the postings were unsigned.

McPherson said Tuesday that “on occasion” he may have posted anonymously to the site, but he said the controversial posts were not his.

“They weren’t speaking for me,” he said.

He said he usually signed his posts. A computer word search of the website turned up no articles indicating they were authored by McPherson, though the search may be incomplete because many of the prior postings had been deleted by McPherson along with the offending ones.

McPherson’s blog, as it turns out, has a lengthy record of posting offensive material.

In October, the blog posted a cartoon portraying Michelle Obama as obese(link is external) and featured as its “thought of the day” a tweeting saying(link is external), “Barack Obama is what happens when Affirmative Action and The Peter Principle have a baby.” It also shared a birther joke(link is external): “Did you hear about the guy who managed to get into the White House without credentials? And then just the other day some guy jumped the fence.”

Other entries, as reported by the Aksarbent blog(link is external), criticized the “homosexualization” of the Boy Scouts(link is external) and lambasted the government(link is external) for “creating special classes for gays, lesbians, transgenders, cross-dressers, aka., queers and perverts.”

Another entry mocked the Lincoln public school system(link is external) for trying “to make sure the littlest transgenders feel welcome at school,” adding: “The problem in our educational system is not a money problem. If anything our schools have access to entirely too much taxpayer money, if they can waste dollars on such foolishness..”

Another post likened gay marriage to bestiality(link is external): “I vote Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I’ve decided to marry my German Shepherd.”

Last year, McPherson’s outlet accused Warren Buffett, the Nebraska billionaire and philanthropist, of waging a “war on babies(link is external).”

In August, McPherson’s blog reposted a column by conservative writer Doug Patton saying (link is external)that America is now worse than Nazi Germany thanks to gay rights and legal abortion:

What’s more chilling than a people oppressed by a Hitler, a Mao or a Stalin? A people that voluntarily oppresses itself, a reality that has now afflicted America.

We have watched over the last 40 years as American women have gone — willingly in most cases — into abortion mills to destroy one-third of a generation.

We have seen speech codes pop up on college campuses banning any conservative expression, and watched as so-called hate crimes legislation appeared on the books as the law of our land, a dangerous precedent if ever there was one.

Homosexual special rights groups have foisted their hateful rhetoric on us and cowered many into agreeing to support a same-sex “marriage” agenda that will fundamentally transform this country into something so perverse that none of us will even recognize it in 10 years.