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Nugent: Liberals Seek 'To Rape our Constitution and Urinate on the Vision of our Founding Fathers'

National Rifle Association board member Ted Nugent today accused President Obama of supporting “a system that daily unleashes monsters back out on the street” while “disarming law-abiding citizens.”

“The president and his anti-gun crazies,” Nugent writes, are determined to pass laws “banning guns,” when they should be “banning criminals.”

He said that the left has embraced an “anti-American” and “morally bankrupt agenda” that “will achieve nothing except to rape our Constitution and urinate on the vision of our Founding Fathers.”

These anti-gun posers couldn’t be more wrong. The real central issue that all Americans with common sense understand is about keeping violent maggots in cages and not disarming law-abiding citizens.

This is why the NRA and good, decent Americans don’t trust the president and his anti-gun crazies. To focus their efforts on restricting the rights of law-abiding Americans instead of doing whatever they can to revamp a system that daily unleashes monsters back out on the street where they will commit more heinous, unspeakable crimes is the worst crime of all.

The cops, prosecutors, judges and prison officials know who these monsters are. Knowing that they will more than likely commit more vicious crimes, the “system” unleashes them anyway.

The left’s solution to this willful act of barbarism: ban certain types of guns and high-capacity magazines that are rarely used in crimes.

Clearly their agenda is banning guns, not banning criminals or saving lives. And their morally bankrupt agenda is wrong, anti-American and counterproductive. Their agenda will achieve nothing except to rape our Constitution and urinate on the vision of our Founding Fathers.