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Paranoia-Rama: Martial Law Plot To Stop Trump, 'Covert Chemtrailing' And Agenda 21 Concentration Camps

RWW’s Paranoia-Rama(link is external) takes a look at five of the week’s most absurd conspiracy theories from the Right.

Classic conspiracy theories like the supposed threats of Chemtrails (link is external) and Agenda 21(link is external) reemerged this week, along with some new ones, such as the possibility of a nuclear war with Russia sparked by Target’s new trans-inclusive policies. All that and more this week on Paranoia-Rama:

5) October Surprise

On Wednesday, Donald Trump’s confidant Roger Stone appeared on Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory radio show(link is external), where Jones and a caller asked if “the establishment” could pull off a stunt — such as deliberately crashing the economy or faking an attempt on President Obama’s life — to postpone the election in a last-ditch effort to stop Trump.

Stone, naturally, agreed with their fears: “I think they’re capable of anything, including martial law.”

Jones said nefarious actors may try to thwart Trump because they know he is a candidate who “unites us all.”

“What would you be doing if you were them?” he asked Stone.

Stone replied: “Well, they could stage an international incident in which everybody has to rally around the president and then use that as a pretext to cancel the election.”

4) Sky Criminals

While Jones is worried about the prospect of an anti-Trump October surprise, he was delighted(link is external) to read Chuck Norris’ latest column about chemtrails.

Writing about “Sky Criminals(link is external)” for the far-right website WorldNetDaily, Norris warned about “covert chemtrailing”(link is external) that “is taking place in the skies above us and unbeknownst to us.”

“How many plane-dropping chemical cocktails have already been sprayed around the world in the name of securing public health?” he asked, wondering if the government is using planes to conduct “mass vaccinations or some other devious plot.”

“It’s time again to wake up, America.”

3) Nuclear War

Conservatives aren’t only blaming transgender people for sexual assaults and rape — at least one far-right commentator is claiming that they might be the cause of a nuclear war.

Thanks to Target’s new nondiscrimination policy, “Trunews” host Rick Wiles warned this week(link is external), we might all get killed by a nuclear strike from Russia. The End Times broadcaster said that Target’s recently announced policy on transgender customers and staff(link is external) will provoke divine judgment and “shut down this nation.”

“Doc, God is going to use the Russians to bring down Sodom and Gomorrah if there’s no repentance in this land,” he told his co-host Doc Burkhart. “Listen, these freaks are going to get us all killed. They’re going to get us all killed.”

2) Agenda 21 Fears

Ted Cruz’s campaign announced the members of his “Montana Leadership Team”(link is external) last weekend and, unsurprisingly, the group includes some of the most extreme and bizarre conservatives in the state(link is external), including “Dan Happel, Agenda 21 Speaker.”

While Cruz has flirted with Agenda 21 conspiracy theories(link is external) in the past — warning during his 2012 campaign for U.S. Senate that the nonbinding UN initiative was a “grand scheme” concocted by George Soros to abolish “ Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link"> golf courses, grazing pastures, and paved roads (link is external) ” — Happel has taken things to a new level.

Happel believes that Agenda 21, a nonbinding sustainable development initiative that is over two decades old but only recently became a source of right-wing trepidation, is actually a Stalinist plot to create a one-world government to ensure that “ private property can be increasingly controlled and ultimately eliminated(link is external).”

One Montana newspaper reported(link is external) that Happel believes that Agenda 21 will “involve relocating most Montanans to some large city, like Seattle, where they would be housed like sardines in compact housing developments, deprived of automobiles, and basically held hostage to some job in the city. Meanwhile vast areas of land would be reclaimed for wilderness to be used by the rich oligarchy.”

1) Ted Cruz or Disaster

Glenn Beck, the supposed author(link is external) of the dystopian thriller “Agenda 21,” is such a big fan of Cruz that he told his viewers this week that if the Texas senator doesn’t win the presidency, it means lights out for America.

The conservative radio commentator believes that Cruz,much like Moses(link is external), is divinely ordained(link is external) and that he is fulfilling the “White Horse Prophesy” laid out by Mormon founder Joseph Smith(link is external). Christians who do not vote for Cruz, according to Beck, “are not listening to their God(link is external).”

Indeed, Beck said on Wednesday that “the republic is at stake” in this election and if the Cruz campaign goes down to defeat, then we will “lose freedom for all mankind(link is external).”