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Paul Broun: Obama And 'Incompetent Boob' At CDC Are Exposing Americans To Ebola

After suggesting that President Obama may want Americans to contract the Ebola virus(link is external), Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., told Rick Wiles of “Trunews(link is external)” yesterday that the decision to send U.S. military service members to West Africa on a relief mission may end up bringing the Ebola epidemic back to the U.S.

“Barack Obama’s using the military to actually expose them which could expose further people across this country,” he said.

Broun added that the Joint Chiefs of Staff and other military officials should have defied orders to organize a military operation in West Africa. “The military should have told Obama, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and all the military leaders should have said, ‘Mr. President, this is not a military function, do not do this, we’re not going to send our troops into harm’s way,’ because they have a responsibility to the troops and they could have told the president, ‘no, we’re not going to do this,’ and they should have.”

Broun maintained: “I don’t know if Obama thinks that they are going to shoot the virus with their M16s. What in the world is he thinking? I have absolutely no clue, he is just exposing American citizens to this very deadly virus.”

The congressman also called CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden an “incompetent boob” who “needs to be removed ASAP” and said the appointment of Ron Klain to coordinate the administration’s Ebola response “makes absolutely no sense, it’s just totally craziness on the part of Obama and this administration.”

“Give me a break. What in the name of peace would somebody do this?”

When Wiles asked if Obama should resign for “endangering our lives” with Ebola, Broun just reiterated that Attorney General Eric Holder should be “prosecuted for lying to Congress.”