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Pratt: Impeach Obama Before He Takes 'Total Control'

Gun Owners of America head Larry Pratt appeared on the Talk To Solomon Show this week to issue his usual(link is external) warnings(link is external) about(link is external) President(link is external) Obama(link is external) becoming(link is external) a(link is external) dictator(link is external). He told Solomon that Obama is “a very dangerous man” who “really has an impulse for total control,” calling on Republicans in Congress to refuse to fund Obama-backed projects. He says that this will provoke Obama to “spend money without authorization” and that will be “the time to impeach him.”

Pratt later discussed(link is external) with co-hosts Stan Solomon and Steve Davis the best ways to repeal Obamacare, with Pratt urging that Republicans dismantle the health care law before “people start getting free stuff.”

“We’re on death row, Obamacare has put the American people on death row,” Davis charged, warning Americans will soon be “destroyed by Obamacare.” Solomon said that Obama administration officials are “sucking the brains out of America through their nostrils” and said he is “all for killing anything and everything and all things, I did not say anything about any people although if some of them on the left dropped dead I certainly will take the time to go to their funerals so I have a place to urinate.”

Davis chimed in: “Well there’s a death panel for that now.”

“But that doesn’t apply to Democrats,” Solomon replied.