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Right-Wing Pastor Claims Obama Made Deal With Terrorists To Attack Other Countries While He's President

Alex Jones hosted ultraconservative Harlem pastor James David Manning last week(link is external) to discuss the terrorist attacks in Paris. Manning, earning his spot on the conspiracy-minded program, theorized(link is external) that countries like France are suffering terrorist attacks instead of the U.S. because President Obama has made a deal to support groups such as ISIS, Al Qaeda and the Taliban in return for postponing attacks against America until he has completed his term as president.

After insisting that France “should expect these kinds of things to happen” for “embracing” Muslim immigrants, Manning explained his theory as to why the incident “happened in Paris and not in New York City.”

“Is there a reason why, since the fraud of 9/11, that Muslims have been coddled and embraced and thought of as a people that are not people to be feared and we’ve had no major event here in America?” he speculated. “Is it because Barack Hussein Obama, having a Muslim name and Muslim ties and praising Islam, that it has not taken place here in New York and we’re looking to see this happen later on in a very violent way? Something suspicious is happening here. We have joined forces with Al Qaeda in Syria and been supportive of a large number of other Islamist acts around the globe, so are we being protected because we are supportive of Islamic activity, jihadist activity, Al Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS. I’m just suspicious that we haven’t had any attack here that Paris, France, has had and others have had as well, that somehow we are being protected.”

“Aren’t we the big dog? Aren’t we the biggest world power? Why shouldn’t we be the target of these kinds of attacks? Unless there is some sort of deal out there that we don’t know about,” he said.

Manning said that other countries like France are facing attacks because Obama has made a deal with terrorists and is “opening up the doors for others to be attacked.”

He bravely added the caveat that he doesn’t necessarily believe everything he just said, insisting that he’s “simply asking as a question” about whether Obama has cut a deal with terrorists to protect America during his presidency. Jones, never afraid to fully embrace a conspiracy theory, told Manning that “at a certain level that is definitely going on.”