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RNC Teams Up With Extremist David Lane Once Again

Earlier this year, the Republican National Committee teamed up with the American Family Association and the American Renewal Project to take dozens of RNC committeemen on a trip to Israel. The trip stoked controversy because of the radical track record of the AFA and its then-spokesman Bryan Fischer, particularly his claims(link is external) that gay people are to blame for the Holocaust, that Jewish Americans shouldn’t have equal constitutional rights and that Jewish immigrants should be required to convert to Christianity.

Just as radical is the head of the American Renewal Project, David Lane, whose brand of Christian Nationalism views the separation of church and state, LGBT equality and religious pluralism as dangers, calling on conservative Christians to “wage war(link is external)” against these supposed threats.

The RNC’s official faith-outreach arm is now working with Lane to hold a training session(link is external) at today’s Southern Republican Leadership Conference:

As we’ve reported, Lane isn’t just your everyday conservative activist, but has extreme views(link is external) about how gay rights will lead to terrorist attacks and America’s “utter destruction.” He has also lashed out at prominent Republican leaders who support gay rights and attacked Mitt Romney for worshiping the “false god of Mormonism.”

  • Feared that God might destroy the U.S. (link is external) just as he punished Nazi Germany: “If we get judgment like Nazi Germany, I’m assuming we go to rebel, and God says ‘I’m done.’”
  • Favorably quoted a Christian author who said(link is external) that “same-sex marriage practiced universally is suicide. To survive gays and lesbians are parasites, depending for their cultural survival on couples that birth the next generation.”
  • Explained why homosexuality is a threat to freedom: “Homosexuality is debauchery(link is external). God’s loyalty and fidelity — that guard the nation — make sustainable freedom dependent on seeking virtue.”
  • Predicted that homosexuality will lead to the destruction of America(link is external): “Homosexual desire and marriage is unnatural and — more so — is a symptom of advanced cultural decay and precursor to the collapse of the Republican Party and the nation.... The mark of a decadent society is the exaltation and normalization of sin — which leads to the death.”
  • Compared Republicans who support marriage equality to politicians who backed slavery(link is external) in the run-up to the Civil War.
  • Called the separation of church and state (link is external) a “lie” and a “fabricated whopper” used to stop “Christian America – the moral majority – from imposing moral government on pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media.”
  • Claimed that while “America was a Christian nation(link is external)” since its founding, now it must choose between being “a Christian nation or a pagan nation.”
  • Said America needs a “thorough cleaning(link is external) from pornography, abortion, homosexuality, filth from TV and Hollywood, racism, and injustice.”
  • Congratulated a pastor for exposing Mitt Romney’s belief in the “false god of Mormonism(link is external)” during the 2012 GOP primaries.
  • Lamented that the “‘religion of secularism’(link is external) has produced red ink as far as the eye can see, homosexuals praying at the Inauguration, tax-funded abortion, homosexual marriage in several States, Evangelicals held in contempt, and God expelled from the classrooms of America — and the public square.”
  • Warned that while America has “grovel to the false god of Islam(link is external),” “America, a Christian nation in heritage and culture, is being dismantled brick by brick.”