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Robertson: Gays Will 'Destroy' Boy Scouts to 'Accommodate a Few Kids Who Want to do Sex with Each Other'

Earlier this year, televangelist Pat Robertson claimed(link is external) that the Boy Scouts of America would be opening the door to “predators” and “pedophiles” if the organization ended its ban on gay members. Following the BSA’s decision to lift its ban on openly gay youth, Robertson on the 700 Club today said that it is a “terrible shame” that a “tiny minority” is “willing to rip apart the framework of traditional marriage; to rip apart an organization that has done so much good for young people, the Boy Scouts; to rip apart certain of these other things that we have counted as important in our society; all for one thing: that the way they do sex will be accepted in the mainstream of society.”

“Two percent deciding what the rest of us does,” Robertson warned(link is external), “and they are willing to destroy it. Hollywood and the so-called liberal media has jumped on board that this is the new civil rights, well I don’t think so.”

He went on to say that it “breaks your heart” to see the Boy Scouts “torn up in order to accommodate a few kids who want to do sex with each other. It just boggles the mind.”

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