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Scott Lively: Gays Are Foot Soldiers in Marxist/Freemason Plot To Impose New World Order

In a lengthy interview(link is external) last week with a Denver radio show, anti-gay crusader Scott Lively presented his theories that a Freemason Supreme Court justice conspired to destroy Christianity through the separation of church and state and that gay people are the “main foot soldiers” of a Marxist plot to impose a New World Order.

Lively told hosts Chris and Sheree Geo that the Supreme Court’s church/state separation decisions in Everson v. Board of Education(link is external) and Torcaso v. Watkins(link is external) were the “beginning of the collapse of our freedom and prosperity as a nation,” for which he blamed Justice Hugo Black, "a 33rd degree Mason, very hostile to Christianity.”

Lively went on to elaborate on his previously stated theory (link is external) that gay rights are part of a Marxist plot to destroy society.

He explained that in the 1940s and the 1950s, gay people “lived discreetly and everyone was pretty happy,” but that now gay rights activists are “demanding that homosexuality be legitimized to children and to be on every television show and every aspect, sports figures coming out and that sort of thing.”

He blames this shift on the “cultural Marxists” of the 1960s. “That was all about destroying the existing order, destroying it down to ashes, so they could rebuild society according to their own socialist utopian model,” he said. “And that’s what this whole culture war is about. Its’ a conflict really between Christians and Marxists.”

He argued that gay rights advocates had brought the same Marxist plot to Africa, where along with the “big gigantic lie” of climate change, they are trying “to gut the morality of the countries and break the family system down and make the countries more pliable” in order to impose the New World Order.

“The whole New World Order system is a Marxist system, and there are different components of it, but the fact is that the homosexuals are the foot soldiers, they’re the main foot soldiers of this agenda,” he insisted.

Finally, Lively explained why he supports criminal sodomy bans like the onerecently re-imposed in India(link is external) and the one currently being debated in Jamaica(link is external).

“The sodomy laws should be in place and lightly enforced,” he said. “That’s what people don’t understand. The reason you have things like sodomy criminalized is not so you can go and break down people’s doors – we hardly ever did that when we had the sodomy laws in this country – but when you have them in the law, that means that the people that are advocating those things cannot go into the schools for example and teach it to the kids, they cannot advocate criminal behavior.

“What that means is, you can allow subcultures of people who are breaking the law to do it discreetly and leave them alone. But then when they get too out of hand, you have a tool to be able to stop them.”